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DPU releases $400 million in EV funds in Massachusetts

January 11, 2023

Last week, the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities released $400 million in EV funds in the state. This surplus of money was put aside for EV chargers to shift homeowners and businesses from gas-powered to electric-powered vehicles. The $400 million dollars can be acquired through different incentives through the state based on location and utility.

“Right now, we’re not seeing as many EV chargers as we need, and we’re not seeing as many electric vehicles as we need,” said Jake Navarro, the director of clean transportation at National Grid. “These two things are related.” With these incentives to persuade people to install EV chargers and switch to EVs, Navarro hopes to “improve the business model.”

National Grid and Eversource, the two primary utilities in Massachusetts, each have their own plans as to how their chunk of the $400 million dollars will be dished out. National Grid’s plan is for $206 million to be spent over four years. This could provide for up to 32,000 new charging stations. Eversource, however, has been given $188 million. They hope to install 8,286 new fast charging ports and 152 fast chargers.